Our mission
Sooner or later, all of us will have to go into eternity, such are the laws of life on planet Earth. What a person has accumulated during his life according to these very laws cannot be taken with him. We all know nothing is eternal, and what a person leaves behind will sooner or later turn into decay, but distant future generations have the right to know how their ancestors lived.
The great invention of mankind, the Internet, can help preserve information about those who left for a very long time. But we are what came before us, and if we do not remember this and break away from our roots, then we very quickly degrade and slide down the evolutionary ladder.
It is for the sake of preserving the memory that our team created the "Abode of Angels" project.
• We are open to any kind and any form of cooperation.
• We do not advertise products and services.
• We are not pursuing commercial goals. By purchasing a package of services, you extend the life of the project by an average of 3 years.
• Our team creates a project with its own funds.
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Memorial portal dedicated to the preservation of memory. Chronicles of life in digital format.
© 2019-2021 Abode of Angels. Copying is punishable by law